64 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica
: (876) 920-4926-30 | : info@mot.gov.jm

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News Releases

Kingston, Jamaica: March 26, 2014: Jamaica’s push to develop health and wellness tourism has received another major boost with the opening of the Eden Gardens Well

Kingston, Jamaica: March 26, 2014: Jamaica’s push to develop health and wellness tourism has received another major boost with the opening of the Eden Gardens Well

Kingston, Jamaica: March 24, 2014 –   As part of an ongoing partnership with the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) to foster better disaster risk man

Kingston, Jamaica: March 24, 2014 –   As part of an ongoing partnership with the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) to foster better disaster risk man

Kingston, Jamaica: March 20, 2014 –   Against the background of dramatic currency fluctuations in Russia, their impact on airline operations and recent political developments, Tran

Kingston, Jamaica: March 20, 2014 –   Against the background of dramatic currency fluctuations in Russia, their impact on airline operations and recent political developments, Tran

An announcement made today by British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, of changes to the Air Passenger Duty (APD) that will prove favourable to Jamaica and the Caribbean has been welcom

An announcement made today by British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, of changes to the Air Passenger Duty (APD) that will prove favourable to Jamaica and the Caribbean has been welcom

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, March 16, 2014: Jamaica’s drive to develop health tourism has taken a giant step forward with an announcement that by the second half of 2015, the Hospiten Gr

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, March 16, 2014: Jamaica’s drive to develop health tourism has taken a giant step forward with an announcement that by the second half of 2015, the Hospiten Gr

Minister of Tourism and Entertainment, the Hon. Dr.

Minister of Tourism and Entertainment, the Hon. Dr.

Montego Bay, Jamaica, March 1, 2014: Creative arts in the second city will get a major boost by mid-year when the Montego Bay Civic Centre is converted into a major cultural centre

Montego Bay, Jamaica, February 28, 2014: The Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment is pumping millions of dollars from the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) into upgrading the resort

Montego Bay, Jamaica, March 1, 2014: Creative arts in the second city will get a major boost by mid-year when the Montego Bay Civic Centre is converted into a major cultural centre

Montego Bay, Jamaica, February 28, 2014: The Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment is pumping millions of dollars from the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) into upgrading the resort

Kingston, Jamaica: February 26, 2014 – Minister of Tourism and Entertainment, the Hon. Dr.
