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Sectoral Presentation 2013-2014 The Hon Damion Crawford, M.P. Minister of State Ministry of Tourism & Entertainment Tuesday, 2nd July, 2013 Gordon House, Kingston

Theme: Entertainment – Enroute to Progress


Mr. Speaker, I am honoured to rise to make my contribution to this year’s Sectoral Debate. I am grateful to the Most Honourable Prime Minister for her continued strong leadership and the confidence reposed in me as I have carried out my duties as State Minister for...

Remarks by the Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill, Minister of Tourism and Entertainment at the Launch of Rebel Salute 2013

• Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Andrew Holness
• The Hon. Lisa Hanna, Minister of Youth and Culture
• The Hon. Natalie Neita-Headley, Minister without Portfolio, with responsibility for Sport
• Tony Rebel, and his hardworking production team
• Members of the media
• Distinguished guests…good evening

Ladies and gentlemen, I am...

Remarks by the Hon. Damion Crawford, Minister of State, Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment, at the Opening of Lion Ville Studio, Thursday, February 6, 2014


I am truly humbled to be participating in this milestone event in May Pen, one of Jamaica’s fastest developing towns and home of Humble Lions FC, a football club that has etched its mark in the historical records of the very popular sport locally and nationally.

I am sure it was not coincidental that you have chosen this day, February 6, to open your studio...

Sectoral Presentation 2013-2014 The Hon Dr. Wykeham McNeill, M.P. Minister of Tourism & Entertainment Tuesday, 2nd July, 2013 Gordon House, Kingston

Theme: A Sector for the People: Making Tourism for Us All



Mr. Speaker, I am extremely pleased to rise to make my contribution to the Sectoral Debate, and I would like to thank the Most Honourable Prime Minister for affording me the opportunity to serve in the capacity of Minister of Tourism and Entertainment.


Remarks by the Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill at the Welcome Ceremony for the Inaugural Transaero Flight


• Mr. Andrey Dryakin, Head of the Russian Consular Section, Jamaica,
• Mr. John Lynch, Director of Tourism
• Ms. Elizabeth Scotton, Chief Commercial Officer, MBJ Airports Limited
• Mr. Eduardo Canelas, Chief Executive Officer of MBJ Airports Limited
• Tourism Partners, members of the media…Distinguished Guests good afternoon.

